Hey y’all! Whew, that was a lot of pictures… I narrowed our trip from 1,500 pictures to 30 and boy, was it tough.
First, a quick background on the trip. My family and I used to go down every summer to Tecate, Mexico with a group called Club Rust, to build houses for families in need of one. We hadn’t been in a while and this year my dad and I decided to go back. My friend Sarah and her dad John tagged along as well as my cousins Allison and Ava.
Aside from the dirt, occasional cockroaches, and nasty toilets, the trip was amazing! What made it so special was the kids. They were all so precious and quickly became our best friends. We all spoke some Spanish so we could talk to them which was awesome. On the last day of building it was so hard to say goodbye to the kids. They all gave us big hugs, unless it was Santiago- he kissed us on the cheek. As we were leaving, my heart was filled with joy from the kids.
Thanks for reading & be sure to follow me on BlogLovin!
xoxo, Grace
P.S. I’m working on a video from Mexico so stick around!