Posted on June 4, 2016

Fairy Dust

Processed with VSCO with a7 preset Processed with VSCO with a7 preset Processed with VSCO with a7 preset Processed with VSCO with a7 preset Processed with VSCO with a7 presetProcessed with VSCO with a7 presetProcessed with VSCO with a7 preset Processed with VSCO with a7 presetProcessed with VSCO with a7 preset Processed with VSCO with a7 presetProcessed with VSCO with a7 presetHello!
Obviously this is a super different post from what I typically do but I wanted to take a risk and try something new! I’ve been itching to do a creative shoot with my friend Hannah for so long and we finally made it happen. We had such a great time shooting this look that was inspired by fairies and glitter, what more could you want?

Don’t worry though, Hannah had a tube top on along with a modest maxi skirt- lol, she wasn’t in her birthday suit! We both love the highlighted collar bone look and we could only achieve that if she didn’t have strap on her shoulders.

I want to do one creative shoot a month so let me know know if you’re interested in modeling, makeup, or any kind of art! I’d love to work with you!

Thank you so much to Hannah for being my model and willing to pose in front of someones house while old men tell you “you’re pretty” haha- good times.
Follow Hannah on Instagram!

Thanks a million for reading!

Feel free to follow me on…

xoxo, Grace

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