Hey guys! I hope you didn’t forget about me! I know it’s been quite some time since I’ve posted… but I’m back and ready for action!
For this post, I wanted to show you a project I’ve been working on. I am a part of the Sno-Isle Tech Fashion and Merchandising Class located in Everett, WA. My friend Hannah and I started a class blog and we’ve been posting weekly! I would love if you guys would check it out and share it with your friends!
The blog is a way to let potential students learn about what we do in class, and share with everyone our passions!
Sno-Isle Blog: www.snoislefm.com
Here’s a post I did for our Holiday Gift Guide!
Where to buy:
MAC Mariah Carey Makeup
Humans of NY Book
Champion Beanie
American Eagle Socks
Metallic Vans
Wildflower Cases
Polaroid Zip Photos